Monday, April 25

Cool heads prevail in Headwinds

Gerry Schulze and Malissa Petrov raced in the Spring Valley wind tunnel yesterday. Petrov finished 4th and Schulze 7th. Brutal headwind or cross wind everywhere except for the climb where there was a tail wind thank you sweet baby Jesus.

The women rolled out and the first attack came within the first 5 mins. Malissa was in back watching for it and surprised how soon it went out. Two team Dayton gals and an Indie Bike gal, Malissa chased and was oh so close but couldn't quite make the catch.

"I had a Dayton gal and a Texas Roadhouse gal with me. The Dayton gal was just hanging on, and RH and I worked to keep the break in sight, and make sure we stayed out of sight of the main pack. We worked together for about 6 miles then TR house who is a good friend of mine, looked at me and said she was going to let me roll off the front. Thank you again SBJ:) I laid down the hammer, Team Dayton tired to catch, but too late, I got away and never saw them again. I rode 3 laps alone in the wind tunnel, repeating the mantra to myself "I love the wind, I won't get caught, I love the wind I won't get caught...." One section of the course the wind was so fierce that I was in LT HR zone but only going 12mph and bracing myself to keep from blowing over."

Gerry said the pack really got strung out after the attack. Gerry stayed with a splinter group of 4 who made a break from the group as a result of the first break. Gerry did not work at first just hung in and made sure Malissa got a clean get away:) Shulze stayed with that splinter group until the 3rd or 4th lap. At the right turn heading into the climb the course marshalls were trying to keep a car off the course and two of the women went off course. Gerry stayed on course and she was able to break away from the one woman left with her and finish 7th.

"Way to go Schulze:) Thanks for letting me make the getaway!"

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